Children’s Boxes: We love having children of all ages in worship. Before you go into the sanctuary pick up one of the worship boxes found in the narthex. The Spark Storybook Bible, Children’s Bulletins, and many other items will help engage kids during worship.
Spaces to Breathe: Kids get squirmy! We have space set aside for parent accompanied chill time in the Garden Room and Fellowship Hall.
Communion: Kids are always invited to come up during communion for Giant Goldfish Crackers and Blessings

Kids singing at Wednesday worship


5:15pm Supper: A family friendly supper is served from 5:30-6pm. People are invited to contribute free-will offering for their meal. Come and enjoy a meal and some fellowship with other parents and kids.
6:15pm Worship and GROWing Kids: Worship begins at 6:15pm. We begin with a song that is fun and engaging, especially for children. K–4th grade kids leave from worship for GROWing Kids near the beginning of worship. Parents can pick up their children after worship.

Children's Ministry VBS


Kid’s Korner: In the summer, children are invited to visit our Kid’s Korner, where fun and faithful kids activities are available during the Outdoor Worship Service.
VBS Day Camp: Day Camp for completed–K through completed–6 meets for a week every summer at our outdoor worship location from 9am–3pm.


Unique and varied opportunities are also available for families and children, especially in Advent and Lent.